gtag('config', 'UA-212895039-4'); Implementation of Electronic Voting Machines in Pakistan

Implementation of Electronic Voting Machines in Pakistan


What is Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)


What is EVM

It is the alternate of manual ballot papers and boxes which were being used in conventional voting system during elections. Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) is a simple electronic device used to record votes. It is replacement of manual voting system. After implementation of EVM we need no more ballot paper, ballot boxes, stamping, etc. all these things will be condensed into a simple box called ballot unit of the EVM. It may be more reliable for person recognition than traditional token and cannot be easily misplaced, faked, shared and edited.


Electronic Voting Machines Modules:

Electronic Voting Machines consists of many modules explained by Atif Majeed  in a seminar organized by Pakistan Instituteof Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT), with seminar’s titled “Demystifying Electoral Reforms in Pakistan” 

(i) A Voting Legislative Unit 

(ii) Control Unit 

(iii) Balloting Unit 

(iv) Printer Box 

(v) RTS Module.


Voting Process in EVM

As will as the voter will press the button on screen of EVM to cast the vote for his favorite candidate, the machine will save the vote and after verification from voter the vote will be locked and will never be changed. EVM screen for a single voter will be opened once. After saving / casting the vote the EVM for that specific CNIC number never be changed / altered again. It will be the check / control that single voter will cost single vote not twice.


Total Polling Stations in Pakistan in Election 2018

In general elections 2018 there were 85,000 poling stations, 240,000 polling booths and 95,000 voters identification units.


Estimated Cost toInstall EVMs


















Above total cost is on estimation base and till election inflation affect will also be accumulated. Can we afford this huge cost of about Rs.88 billion?? Further will these machines be saved / will remain in workable condition till next coming election?? Or we will waste huge budget on this project?  These national assets need proper storage and insurance to assure keep in workable condition and save till next elections. If we could not save these machines, it will be most costly elections of Pakistan.


Training of Staff to Operate EVM

Training of staff will be a big task to operate the machines properly. Our teaching staff or other government departments staff has lack of IT / Computer related education. We cannot operate or manage these machines without proper training of staff within short time period. Inspite of huge cost the question will remain unresolved that will this staff operate and resolve issue / errors occurred on elections day. If any EVM did not handle properly and stop working what will be the backup to continue voting on that particular polling station?


Benefits of EVM?

·       EVM will save time & cost to count ballot papers.

·   EVM will save paper cost – Save papers save tree, so it will be environment friendly.

·       Vote record saving without extra cost and for long time period.

·       Duplication of vote costing will be controlled to avoid violation.

·       EVM program and costed vote cannot be changed.

·   Inspite of benefits to convert our voting system from manual to electronic some questions will remain unresolved. Before implementations we need to resolve such issues.


Un resolved questions on EVM system:

·       Can Pakistan afford such costly EVM system?

·       Is it feasible to use EVM in rural areas of Pakistan?

·       Will political parties allow to implement this system?

·  Has Pakistan sufficient resources to secure this system from Hackers?

·     Will this system be helpful to ensure free & fair elections?

·   How electricity / power supply breakdown issue can be resolved on election day?

·   Who will guide the voters to use / cost vote on EVM? Political influence can misguide voters to show their party selection.

·    Will there any backup system if EVM stop working or any type of error occurred.

·       How staff about 500,000 staff members be trained is such a short period?

·  Will EVM purchase process be free from political influence to avoid kick backs?

·       EVM trainers & experts have huge cost for economy?

·    Election will be held after 5 years how the hired staff (trainers, experts, operators etc) will be utilized during off vote season.?

·  Will staff available at the time of voting after each 5 years or before each election training cost will be recurring cost.?

How EVMs will be stored to keep in useable condition in next elections?

EVM system should implement in parts not at lumsum for entire elections. Initially it should be used in some big cities if results will be desirable then with the passage of time it should be implemented for entire election. 

There should be backup plan at least five backups for each union council if EVM system failed / faulted at any pooling station backup plan / arrangement start to work to continue the voting.

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