gtag('config', 'UA-212895039-4'); 6 Amazing Quotes of Warren Buffett How to Become Successful Businessman

6 Amazing Quotes of Warren Buffett How to Become Successful Businessman


Not only Chairman & CEO of Berkshire Hathaway but also the head of many other Companies in the World Mr. Warren Buffett an American business was born in middle class family. His family was doing the business of “Jeans” in his city. Warren Buffett was born in August 30, 1930 in Omaha Nebraska, USA. Now he is in the list of World’s 10th richest man.


In November 2021 the total net worth of Warren Buffett is more than $105.200 Billion which make him 10 wealthiest person in the world.



His starting life is full of struggle and is the lesson for us not to be disappoint if failure come in your life. You should keep struggling and your struggle depends upon who, much, in what way you utilize your energies and expertise.


Colonel Harland Sanders Life

When we see the list of the biggest businessmen in the world we see a name of the symbol of failures and success Mr. Sander. He was failed in all fields of life, even in personal life, household life, business life, job etc in each and every thing. But he did not lose heart and do not stop working and to walk forward. Then world saw when his struggles become fruitful. When God gave him the reward of his continuous struggle and his commitment to do something. I will be at right if I say that “he is a symbol for all of us to continue our work even after 1000s of failures. Due to his commitment and continuous struggle, he will never die in the history”




Warren Buffett Quotes on Earning

1)  “Never Depends on Single Income, Male Investment to Create Second Source”


We make small investment by saving from our income and do not relay on single source. Due to any issue if  our single and only one source of income stop we will never survive and will be caught by poverty. We should start and find other sources of income to expand of money. If Husband is doing a job then wife should not be free at home she should start any online work at home. She should start online earning. How to earn money online? She can start sale purchase on Amazon. She can start trading of stock exchange etc. Both of them should do work to increase their wealth. To avoid financial crises if one source of income vanished other should be to continue run the daily utilities.


Warren Buffett Quotes on Spending


2)  “If You Buy Things You Do Not Need, Soon You Will Have To Sell Things You Need”

Before purchase such things which are not necessity for you, you should redefine your needs and recalculate your requirements. You should not waste your wealth on purchase of such things which are not compulsory to purchase. Instead you purchase luxury things you should save your money and invest it to create other source of income. Purchased things depreciate and decrease the value of your earnings but investments appreciates and increase the value of your money. If you have extra money you should start trading online on Amazon or at any other online store and should multiple your wealth.


Warren Buffett Quotes on Saving


3)  “Do Not Save What is Left After Spending, But Spend What is Left After Saving”


If you thing that you will save money which will left after spending you will never save. You will never make any investments, you pocket will be empty at the end of month before arrival of next months salary. You should plan and make monthly budget for expenses. Take out savings immediately after receiving of salary and then start to consume your monthly budget and save investments in your new business. Hence you will not only make savings but also find new ways of income.


Warren Buffett on Investing Quotes


4)  “Do Not Put All The Eggs in A Single Basket”


It is purely investment decision making related quote. We should never relay on a single unit of investment. We should break of investments into small units and choose more than one Sectors to invest. We should make investments in saving funds, investments in blue chip shares, make investments in real estate, in banks, in other govt saving schemes etc. Make a list of your interest areas and select the most favorable sectors to invest. If single due to any reason single investment get loss the our total investments should not be vanished. So make investments in more than one sources.

Warren Buffett Quotes on Taking Risk


5)  “Never Test The Depth of River With Both the Feet”

We should conduct research before making any investment decision. If we put all our investments in any sector before any research work and discussion with experts of that field our investments may be at risk.


Warren Buffett Quotes on Expectations


6)  “Honesty is Very Expensive Gift. Do Not Expect It From Cheap People”

It is not only the rule for investment but it is also the rule for entire life. We should not relay on everyone to make investments decisions. We should work and prepare master plan. We should conduct market survey to get information before decision making where we should invest our investments.

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